Cancellation and Refund Policies

Cancellation & Refund Policy

We strive to provide a hassle-free cancellation and refund process for our users. Please review our policy below:

  1. Cancellation Timeframe:

    Users can cancel for free if done before 30 minutes of the scheduled pickup time.

  2. Charges for Late Cancellation:

    If cancelled within 30 minutes of the scheduled pickup time:

    • 50% of the payable amount will be charged.
    • If already paid in advance, the charged amount will be refunded within 7 days.
    • If not paid in advance, the charged amount will be added to the next booking.
  3. Refund in Case of Interruption:

    If the booking is interrupted due to:

    • Any technical issue or unavailability of trainer from our side.
    • Refunds will be provided within 2 days.
  4. No-Show Policy:

    No refund shall be provided if the user fails to appear for the session without cancelling the booking.

Please note that these policies are put in place to ensure a safe, secure, and fair experience for all our users.

For any further inquiries or assistance, please contact our customer support team at

Thank you for choosing iTurn!